Life Insurance

Life Insurance

The Role Of Life Insurance In Estate Planning

Estate shrinkage is closely related to estate liquidity or the lack of liquidity. A certain amount of liquidity is needed to meet estate settlement costs that cause the shrinkage. Those considerations cannot be discussed in a vacuum; they must be applied to the estate owner’s own situation. By performing an estate liquidity analysis, we can help the estate owner ascertain the liquidity necessary to meet future estate settlement costs, considering the value of his present and projected future liquid assets, and the cash deficit, if any.

If a cash deficit is found, additional funds should be made available to fund the deficit. Absent sufficient liquidity, the estate owner may well have to liquidate other properties, most likely at a loss, thus frustrating their broad estate planning objectives. To obviate this, the value of life insurance is well known.

The various types of life insurance coverage and the advantages of life insurance in providing sufficient liquidity to meet estate settlement costs are considered below.


Advantages of the Life Insurance Plan for Meeting Estate Settlement Costs

1. Insurance Avoids Losses from Forced Sale of Estate Assets
Losses through the sacrificial sale of estate assets to meet tax and other charges will never defeat the estate plans of the person who has provided sufficient life insurance to meet promptly the liabilities his estate will face.
2. Insurance Meets the Estate Transfer Liabilities Without Borrowing
3. Insurance Avoids the Need for Cash or Liquid Securities
4. Insurance Pays the Estate Liabilities FOR the Estate Instead of FROM the Estate
5. Insurance Guarantees the Full Amount of Cash Whenever Death Occurs
6. Insurance Helps the Executor Carry Out the Estate Plan
7. Insurance Enables the Estate to Take Advantage of Tax Discounts
8. Insurance is an Economical Plan for Meeting Estate Costs
9. Insurance Finances the Estate Liabilities on the Installment Plan
10. Insurance Is the Only Certain Solution to the Problem of Estate Costs


Types of Life Insurance Coverage

Term Insurance
Insurance that provides protection only for a specified period of time. For example 5, 10, 15, 20 years. The premium may be fixed and guaranteed for the entire term of years or fixed for a limited number of years with expected increases at specified dates.

Whole Life
Life insurance which provides coverage for an individual’s whole life, rather than a specified term. A savings component, called cash value or loan value, builds over time and can be used for wealth accumulation. see also variable life, universal life, term insurance, and combination plans.

Combination Plans
Life insurance policies that combine features of term life and whole life.

Universal Life (UL)
Life insurance which combines the low-cost protection of term insurance with a savings component that is invested in a tax-deferred account, the cash value of which may be available for a loan to the policyholder.

Index Universal Life (IUL)
Life insurance for which the amount of the payments and the cash value accumulation is determined by the performance of the underlying Index Funds chosen by the policyholder.  IUL policies offer a limited number of Index funds to provide market exposure to various world markets.  Frequently IUL policies are designed to provide protection from principal loss in volatile markets.

Variable Universal Life (VUL)
Life insurance for which the amount of the payments and the cash value accumulation is determined by the performance of the underlying investments chosen by the policyholder.  VUL policies offer dozens of investment options to match the investment objectives of the policyholder.  Agents selling such policies must be Registered Representatives of a broker/dealer licensed by the NASD and registered with the SEC.

Second-to-Die Universal Life Insurance (SUL)
A form of insurance which pays a death benefit only upon the death of the last surviving insured person. Often used by a married couple in estate planning. May be either universal or variable life.

1035 exchange
A tax-sheltered exchange of cash value from one life insurance policy to another. This allows an individual to avoid capital gains or losses in the first policy as long as the second policy is of greater or equal cost.

Single-Premium Life Insurance
Cash value life insurance requiring one initial lump sum payment.


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